The Persistence of Chicory

I like how apt the title is for chicory, and also that if you change only 3 letters you get a very famous Dali painting title. Feels clever.

20180921_0837571Anyway, chicory. Mostly an unlovely, invasive, foreign, weed. There’s a small patch on the path where I walk. The flowers, however, are a pretty sky blue. But the really impressive thing is the amount of punishment they will take and keep coming back with new sets of leaves and flowers.

The weeds by the path are mowed 3 times in spring and summer. This kills off most things that try to grow except the usual invasive European grasses, a very occasional California poppy that the mower just missed, and the chicory patch. And the plants are not stupid, each time they get mowed, they put out leaves and bloom stalks that are closer to the ground, like the one in the photo.